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●●[채용 중] Tutor for Robotic and Coding program●●

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Tutor for Robotic and Coding program

(for MS/HS students)

Local learning center is looking for a qualified tutor to lead and teach at Robotics Camp courses for Kids and Teens. Strong curriculum base and training will be provided.


1. tutor for  robotic and coding  program(저학년반/ 고학년반)

2. part time

3. Location: Sorrento Valley

4. Computer 관련 전공이나 고교 시절 로보틱 프로그램 클럽 활동 경험자 환영

5. How to apply: 이력서와 자기소개서를 eduquest.ca@gmail.com으로 접수해 주세요. 

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