비지니스 코너

KAC-SD (Korean American Coalition San Diego), 2nd Anniversary GALA

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We’ll be hosting our Second Anniversary Gala which is probably the most sophisticated event ever hosted by our young organization.

In case you’re not familiar with the venue, the University Club is one of the most exclusive private clubs in the country with over 100 years of history and tradition. The location is the 34th floor of the Symphony tower in downtown and it offers the most breathtaking views of the Bay and Ocean to the West and Balboa Park to the East. We have selected this venue to be in line with the late success of the Korean-American community in San Diego and to show the youngsters what they should be looking forward to in the future.

This event will provide many of you with the opportunity to network and mingle with fellow Koreans and non-Koreans alike. We expect a diverse crowd from all professions, colors and ages with one common goal, to have fun, meet great people and celebrate the unity of our community.

The Gala committee has been working diligently in making this an event to be remembered so if you are available on Tuesday 5/11, please do your best and join us in this special day. Full course gourmet meal, live performance and inspiring presentations will be part of the repertoir.


KAC-SD 2nd Anniversary GALA<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


날짜 :    5 11 (화요일), 5:30 – 8:30 pm

장소 :    University Club atop Symphony Tower

주소 :    750 B Street 34th Floor, San Diego CA 92101

Price :    $125 regular;  $75 Students ( early bird price : $100/$65)

RSVP :   kac.sandiego@gmail.com (attach Registration form)


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