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IES 어학원 (다운타운) - 학생들이 전하는 IES 에 대한 경험...

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IES 어학원은 샌디에고 다운타운에 위치한 어학원 입니다.


IES 어학원

문의 : 619-233-0355

121 Broadway, Suite 332 (다운타운)

San Diego, CA 92101

웹싸이트 : http://www.iessd.com



학생들이 전하는 IES 학원에서의 경험...
What Our Students Say about the IES Experience...

I am very satisfied with the classes that I have taken at IES. As for TOEFL class, it was fun and I had a lot of opportunities to talk. Thanks to Marlena. I am also very happy with TOEIC class. It was a small class, so I could focus on my weakness in the class. I could quickly get ready to take the test. Thank you, Van & Greg. 
Kei from Japan
I am satisfied with the program that this school has. The teachers are professional and friendly and everything is agreeable. I learned a lot here. Thank you so much. 

Cindy from Honduras
Everything was good. The teachers are very kind and nice. My sister might come in two years and I will recommend IES. Thank you so much. I will miss you. 
Sophie from Korea
I pretty much appreciate everything. To study here was a good time for me. Thanks a lot. 
Michelle from Korea
IES is the best school in San Diego. I was lucky. 
Toshi from Japan
As a Korean student, anytime I asked new students about IES, they had the same feeling of comfort as I have had: good teacher, good staff, good location. I really enjoyed IES. I strongly recommend the school to Korean students. 
Simon from Korea

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