비지니스 코너

웹디자인&디지털 마켓팅

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다년간의 경력을 통해 온라인상에서의 모든 것들을 도와드립니다.

-온라인상에서의 비즈니스가 어려웠던 분들, 로컬을 상대로 비즈니스를 확장하고 싶으신 분들

간단한 디자인에서부터  광고, 분석을 통한 비즈니스 마켓팅

자세한 상담을 원하시면 연락부탁드립니다.

(424)387-7322 (Korean)

(424)299-9959 (English)

San Diego web design and digital marketing services

Grow your business online. Improve visibility with the local market. Find new customers by targeting English speaking locals. Keep in touch with loyal customers. Increase your brand’s professional appearance.

Complete Digital Marketing Services:


Small business websites

Restaurant and service websites

Complete website design and creation (mobile and desktop)


Local Search Marketing (Google, Yahoo, Bing)

Search Engine Optimization (Google)

Google Search and Display Advertising Campaign

English language marketing

Social Media (SNS) Marketing

Yelp, Opentable, Zomato Marketing

Digital Content

Logos (Beautiful digital logos for print, website, mobile, social media sites)

Banners (Google Advertising, Social Media Advertising)

Graphics (Custom graphics for website, business cards,  advertisements, brochures, flyers, menus)


Private business email setup

Email marketing campaigns

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