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고교생을 위한 프로그램 TYP(티와이피:토탈 유스 프로덕션스) 학생모집

TYP 0 4508 0 0

고교생을 위한 프로그램 TYP(티와이피: 유스 프로덕션스) 2014-2015학년도 활동에 참여할 학생들을 모집합니다.

 프로그램은 9학년12학년 학생들이 1 동안 격주 토요일에 정기 모임을 갖고 잡지프로젝트를 진행하는 동안 멘토링과 교제를 나누며 정체성을 정립하고 스스로 동기부여하도록 격려하는 비영리 프로그램(501C)입니다.

지난 2011 시작된  프로그램에서는 ‘배움과 나눔 대한 기본 강의를 중심으로 잡지 제작과 봉사활동, 환경과 사회발전을 위한 액티비티 프로젝트, 롤모델 인터뷰 프로젝트를 함께 진행했고 교수앵커리포터아티스트의사변호사벤쳐사업가  자기 분야에서 최선을 다하고 있는 젊은 멘토들이 나와 청소년들과 대화하는 시간을 가졌습니다그동안 이들이 직접 제작한 잡지는 2호까지 나왔으며 현재 3호잡지가 마무리 중입니다. 

TYP 고교생이면 누구나 지원 가능하고 지원서 작성  인터뷰를 거쳐 조인할  있습니다. 모집 인원은 20여명 내외로 선착순이며 기존 회원 학생들도 다시 신청서를 제출해야 합니다.  현재 5명 정도의 자리가 남아있습니다.

스스로 적극적으로 참여하는 학생들에겐 정말 재미있고 유익한 프로그램인 TYP는오는 9 부터 정기 프로그램을 시작합니다


관심있는 고등학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


Apply to Total Youth Productions Today!

TYP is seeking for NEW members!

Are you interested in further enriching your creativity, or becoming an experienced leader?

Join TYP 2014-2015 class today!

In TYP, or Total Youth Productions, students (9th-12th grade) join together in 

order to assemble a magazine, with contributions from everyone. Whether it is an 

informative article, entertaining essay, or fun recipe, everything in the magazine 

is a projection of our creativity as young high-schoolers. In TYP, there is no adult 

involvement, since everything is done and accomplished by the students.

TYP isn’t just about writing articles for a magazine. We also have excellent guest 

speakers who can serve as mentors for any career you want. In the past, we had 

many Korean-American reporters, lawyers, humanitarian, and other mentors 

come and speak to us about their occupations.

Naturally, high school students have to face the problems of deciding between 

majors, as well as making major decisions. These guest mentors have gone 

through the same problems as we have, and they are more than willing to assist 


TYP is here to help students not only grasp a better sense of professionalism in 

writing, but also to help students look at the world with an open perspective. TYP is just the class to help you excel in writing, and prepare you 

well for the obstacles after high school.

So join TYP now! We meet every other Saturdays at 5pm - 7pm.

* Got Interest? Application Form, Click Here!

For more information about TYP, check out our website:


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