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REO 전문가가 되는 길?


아리스토텔레스라는 희랍의 현자는 이렇게 말했습니다. "Education costs money, but ignorance costs a lot more!"

다음의 글을 참조해 주세요.

Today's real estate market is ever changing. The number of Real Estate Owned and foreclosure properties is rapidly increasing putting more demands on the companies that own these assets. These financial institutions, mortgage lenders, and REO services use real estate professionals to manage, market, and sell their assets. They rely on the expertise of these local specialists to provide the best service and to represent their property. These companies have less time and staff to train current and new brokers and agents they are using.

Default School fills that void by providing online and traditional training for the corporate seller and their brokers and agents. In addition, we provide the necessary tools any broker or agent need to become an REO specialist. Default School provides a variety of products for the default servicing sector and the real estate professionals managing these properties. Each course is designed to make you a quality REO broker or agent.

Our courses are informative, interactive, fun and most importantly can be done completely at the pace of the student. Default School courses are multi-media with streaming video, interactive exercises, and complete quality assessments. Our courses are instructionally designed to give you the best learning experience while providing you the information you need and want to become more successful in your REO career.

Our Clients

Default School collaborates with several of the highest-volume lenders, servicers, and government sponsored entities (GSE) in the REO and foreclosure industry. In the past year alone, these Clients managed and sold over 60,000 listings of real estate owned (REO). Our Clients only want to work with real estate agents who are trained and capable to offer the best quality services.

That's where Default School training sessions come into the picture. These Clients are building large REO networks of highly trained real estate professionals to handle all of their assets. In addition, our Clients also rely on Default School's large database of real estate professional when they need an agent in an area in which they currently do not have representation.

Students successfully complete the core REO course selection will receive the REO Default Certified Professional (RDCPro™) designation. This adds your name and expertise to our database that Clients access on a daily basis. They are looking for the best of the best to handle their REO needs, and they will be able to find you!

Benefits to YOU!

Because Default School is the only authorized provider of REO education for agents and brokers who work for our Clients, you reap the benefits. There are other REO courses available, but our Clients only endorse Default School to provide training that makes you eligible to join their network. In addition, working with Default School opens you to new Clients who can see your RDCPro™ designation and are looking for a quality network agent to manage their REO properties.

Default School has the background, experience, and ?most importantly ?the contacts with Clients that you need. We make starting and maintaining your REO business as smooth as possible.

Default School will issue and support the REO Default Certified Professional (RDCPro™) designation for our graduates only. Your name and expertise will be included in our database that Clients access on a daily basis. They are looking for the best of the best to handle their REO needs, and they will be able to find you

다음을 클릭하세요. www.defaultschool.com

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