
Free ESL Club

ESL Club 2 2193

Improve English Speaking Skills in Friendly Environment!

We are a friendly group of international students led by an ESL teacher and proud to be an affiliate of Toastmasters International.  We meet every Sunday at 1:30 to socialize and improve our communication skills.

If you speak English as 2nd language and want a place to socialize and practice speaking in English, please join us.  Here is a great opportunity to build your confidence in public speaking and meet people.  There are no membership or initiation fees to join our club--only your enthusiasm is appreciated!

For more information, please email:  tasyamq@cox.net

글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
SIF Club 2010.10.15  
Hi Inhyuk!

The email address is correct.  Please click on it to send me an email.
~ 2010.10.02  
Check your E-mail address-Your E-mail address is wrong.