
Full/Part time job opening - student advisor

sdcoei 0 957

Chongro Overseas Educational Institute -- San Diego Branch

Career Opportunities: Full/Part Time Advisor

We are seeking a full/part time advisor at our institute. COEI is an overseas educational institute helping and accommodating foreign students, mainly Koreans. We are one of the biggest agency companies in Korea and helped thousands of students successfully complete their studies across the world. We are NOT a school; we provide various services beneficial to our students. The position's duty includes, but not excluded to, advising students about various schools and housing, managing agency social media, and operating various services for our students.

What we're looking for:
• An individual who is willing to learn about different schools (language, college and universities) and advise students for enrollment and transfers.
• An individual who is seeking to build a career in the ESL industry
• Precise work task performance
• Creative and effective social media posts/uses
* Must be fluent in English AND Korean

Desired Skills & Experience:
• Experience with any educational/office job is welcome but not mandatory
• Proficiency with MS Word, Excel, Power Point

Please email (sd01@coei.com) us your resume and a cover letter to seek an interview.
*Applicants must have legal permit to work, OPT, or be a legal resident.

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