
동성애를 다룬 한국 영화 심포지엄 - 이번 주말 UCSD에서

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"리멤버링 퀴어 코리아: 국제 심포지엄, 영화제, 전시회" UCSD 에서 열립니다. (샌디에고 아시안 영화제와의 조인트 행사)
Remembering Queer Korea: An International Symposium, Film Festival, and Exhibition

This link has an overview of the films: http://festival.sdaff.org/2014/section/remembering-queer-korea/

Thursday, November 13  SaturdayNovember 15

Structural and Materials Engineering Building 

“Remembering Queer Korea,” the first event of its kind, combines scholarship, film, and art in an attempt to critically reflect upon the place of non-normative sexuality and gender variance in the peninsula’s history and culture. To be sure, these topics have become an increasingly important part of South Korean society since the 1990s, as evidenced by the upsurge of human rights organizations, representations in film and on television, and in practices of queer consumption. However, the antecedents of these contemporary phenomena tend to remain hidden under an impenetrable veneer of imagined, if not real, conservatism. Given the transnational nature of academic work and cultural production, this oversight has also extended to the world outside the peninsula’s borders, where intellectual and artistic work continues to marginalize allegedly “backward” societies like the two Koreas.


The screening of independent films, the artistic exhibition of all-female stage performances, and the documentation and analysis of textual and visual sources spanning the twentieth century thus function as important reminders about the existence and even centrality of queer forms of life in constituting, contesting, and reinforcing such forms of power as nationalism, hetero-patriarchy, socialism, and capitalism. “Remember Queer Korea” in these ways also reveals how the peninsula might serve as a critical site to think about imperialism, militarism, diaspora, and neo-liberalism – in short, the cross-border processes that have made issues like same-sex marriage so visible. 

A part of the San Diego Asian Film Festival is the "UCSD Queer Film Program" 

It runs for a few days, but I myself am planning on attending: 

10 AM-12 PM “Broken Branches” (1995)
The history of the Republic of Korea told through the story of a patriarchal family and its gay son.

12:15-1 PM “Uncle ‘Bar’ at Barbershop” (2000) and “Auld Lang Syne” (2007)
Two shorts that explore the chance encounters that lead to powerful reconsiderations of what came before.

Location: UCSD's Structural and Materials Engineering Building Room 149 (Visual Arts Presentation Lab)

Then, symposiums with scholars: 
John Cho
Fellow, Korea Institute, Harvard University, and Visiting Lecturer, East Asian Studies, Brown University “The ‘Social Flesh’ of Ssik-seong: Affective Avarice and the Human Rights Discourse in South Korea”

Layoung Shin
PhD Candidate, Anthropology, SUNY-Binghamton
“Avoiding ‘King Butches’ (Tibu): Gender Conformity and Fear of ‘Visibility’ among Young Queer Women (Iban) in South Korea”

Minjeong Kim Discussant
Assistant Professor, Sociology, San Diego State University

Location: Structural and Materials Engineering Building 248 (Cymer Conference Room)

Ticket info also available here:  http://festival.sdaff.org/.
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