
샌프란시스코 공항에서 아시아나 여객기 추락 사고

긴급뉴스 1 1983

A Boeing 777 plane carrying 291 passengers crash landed at San Francisco airport this afternoon.

The tail of the Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 flight from South Korea was ripped off in the horrific accident and a huge blaze tore through the plane which onlookers described as spinning around on impact.

Horrific photographs of the damage emerged moments after the crash as well as cellphone videos of the plane as it spun out of control.

The extent of injuries of those on the plane are still unknown but several passengers could be seen fleeing down emergency inflatable slides.

A huge smoke cloud could be seen for miles from the site of San Francisco International and tourists in the airport terminal and on waiting flights could only look on in horror as the plane spun across the runway


Onlookers said much of the tail came off in the crash while others reported seeing the plane's fuselage flipping upside down as it journeyed across the concourse.

The entire ceiling of the plane was burnt off in the blaze that immediately followed.

Emergency workers rushed to the plane and doused it with white foam to try and control the flames. They were able to help those who were miraculously able to escape the wreckage.

Witnesses spoke of their horror.

An onlooker named Kristina Stapchuck told CNN it looked like the tires split and the plane leaned back on the tail before the tail broke off.

Others described it as 'cartwheeling' across the runway.

Danielle Wells tweeted: 'I just saw a plane crash start to finish. I can't stop crying, I can't believe this.'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2357502/BREAKING-NEWS-Passenger-jet-crashes-San-Francisco-airport.html#ixzz2YIcZ1Scd
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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2357502/BREAKING-NEWS-Passenger-jet-crashes-San-Francisco-airport.html#ixzz2YIcSvpcv
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아시아나 2013.07.06  
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