
ucsd대학부있는 교회 어디있나요?

현정 3 6130

안녕하세요, 이번에 UCSD 3rd year로 편입하는데요, 전공은 pharm.chem이에요.
여기서는 교회를 열심히다니었고, well, i'm looking for a church to attend when I transfer to UCSD, preferably - a church with college group.
소망과 한빛에 대학부가있다고 들엇는데요, 소망교회는 청년부와 대학부가 합쳐져있고 저의 나이 (93)은 많이 없다고들었어요.
저희 언니가 한빛교회를 다니고있는데, 대학부가 굉장히 크지만 저보고 오지말래요, 저가 못어울릴거같데요.
She told me that most of the girls my age are frequent-drinker. I don't drink much and I believe it is wrong.
그래서 혹시 대학부가 큰 교회가 또 있나...해서요. 저는 사역도하고싶고 여기서처럼 bible leader도하고싶어요.
email me at meikim0406@gmail.com please
I'll be needing a ride.
그리고 저는 1.5세입니다. 영어를 조금 더 잘해요.
글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
the voice of an… 2013.04.29  
Hello 현정, as a fellow Christian, i just wanted to leave a note. I think it would be best if you try out different churches and experience it YOURSELF before deciding. There are more churches other than 소망 and 한빛 in san diego like 갈보리 and the rock church. The Rock church and 갈보리 church are pretty Americanized too. All the churches have some kind of problem within their church, but i think you should experience these churches firsthand. I believe that going to the church and visiting is a better experience because it will give you a personal experience and help you figure out if whichever church is right for you or not. It is going to be hard but i think it would be best that you are able to try out churches or so to speak "church hop." and see for yourself how these churches are. All the churches have their pros and cons but i can guarantee that their pros are more overwhelming. Good luck, God Bless you, and i hope you find the right church for you :)
지나가다. 2013.04.29  
한빛대학부 좋아요. 어떤말을들으셧는지는 몰르겟지만 굉징히 좋은교회에요. 정말로 가족같이챙겨주는 사람들도많고 많은 이밴트가있어서 즐거워요. 캠퍼스 라이드도있고 목장으로 나누어져있어서 굉장히 잘 organized되있는 교회에요. 한번 나와보세요. 편입하신후 라이드나 질문이있으시면 연락주세요 (818) 625 4308.
sami 2013.04.29  
Hi 현정, come try us out at sd hope, 소망교회. We have EM service at 9:00 A.M and we can set up a ride for you when you move here. When do you start? I'm a 93년생 as well and there are several people our age. You can send me a email at nsh012@ucsd.edu or nshajahajah@gmail.com if you have any questions.