
샌디에고도 식당 take-out only

ㄴㄹ사랑 1 1995

샌디에고도 결국 엘에이 처럼 모든 식당들에게 Dine-in 은 안되고, Take out order 과 drive thru 만 허용한다고 하네요.

50인 이상 모임도 안되고요..

모두 이 어려운 시기 서로 이해하고 도와가며 잘 극복합시다.


The public health order, detailed at the first of what will be a daily press briefing from San Diego County public health leaders and county supervisors, added 11 items to the county's coronavirus-related regulations -- nine mandates and three strong recommendations. They are:

  1. All public gatherings of 50 or more are prohibited. The county had originally prohibited gatherings of 250 or more but changed the policy following new recommendations from the Centers for Disease and Prevention
  2. All non-essential gatherings of any size are strongly discouraged
  3. Establishments that serve alcohol but no food are ordered to close. Restaurants must close all on-site dining, though odering for pick up or drive-thru will still be allowed
  4. All businesses should enact social distancing and should use telecommuting when possible. Businesses that use policies requiring doctor’s notes for sick days should terminate the practice immediately
  5. Parents should ensure that their children are following
  6. The County urges anyone age 65 years or older and those with underlying health issues to self-isolate
  7. Non-essential personnel are prohibited from entering hospitals or long-term care facilities
  8. Hospitals and healthcare should take measures to preserve resources including delaying nonemergency procedures where feasible
  9. Hospitals must report all positive COVID-19 tests to the county immediately
  10. All people arriving in the county from locations as found on the CDC warning level 3 travel advisory list shall be subject to 14-day home quarantine and self-monitoring
  11. A strong recommendation for people exhibiting mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19 to self-isolate in their place of residence until seeking medical care/treatment
글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
webster 2020.03.17  
어려운 시기에 모든 한인분들 힘내세요.!! 홧팅입니다