
홈스테이를 그만두고 싶은데 방법좀 갈켜주세요

홈스테이관련 2 2046

현재 제가 미국에 들어온지 4일 정도 되었습니다.

(21일날 입국함)

여기서 학교측을 통한 홈스테이를 소개 받아 생활중인데

아무래도 홈스테이보다는 쉐어룸같은것을 구해 지내고 싶은데

방법이 있을까요?

아직 1달이 되지않았는데 나갈수 있는 방법이 있을까요?

200불에 소개비가 있는데 그 소개비만 학교측에 주고 제가 지낸 4일치에

숙박비를 지불하고 홈스테이를 나갈수 있는 방법이 있나요? 있다면 자세한

설명좀 부탁드릴께요 ㅠㅠ

홈스테이 너무 외롭네요;;;; 도와주세요

글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
홈스테이 경험자 2008.12.25  
집주인한테 말하세요
passing by 2008.12.25  
Given that you just started the home stay, I would suggest you talk to the personnel at your school who handles these issues.  Be honest about it and let them know that you'd like to find a roommate on your own and would like to terminate the homestay as soon as possible.  If you want to terminate the homestay right away (rather than going through school when school reopens), I'd talk to the family you're staying with.  Let them know that you don't think homestay is working out for you and that you'd like to move out as soon as you find a roommate.  Let me know if you need help translating, in case I can be of help.  If you don't have any one to celebrate Christmas with, you're welcome to come over to my house for today.  We're a family of 4 with two young kids. You can email me at miakim43@yahoo.com.
Wish you the best and Merry Christmas.