
Are YOU looking for a NATIVE SPEAKER for English Pronunciation & Conve…

English Tutor 0 1422

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One-on-One, Goal Oriented Private Tutoring for all AGES

I provide tutoring services in the following areas:

Pronunciation, Conversation, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Reading, Writing, Spelling, Social Skills, Homework Help...

I was born and raised in New York and just moved out to San Diego late January '08.  Both of my parents are Korean, so I speak Korean fluently.

I am in the process of getting my Masters in Early Education, specializing in ESL.  I have over 10+ years experience in private tutoring for all ages, from early elementary students to adults.  I am 28 years old and teach English in a fun, meaningful, and effective manner.

It's never too late to give your child the extra help he or she needs.  Give your child the gift of confidence. 

Learning is a unique process for each individual.  If you or your child is struggling in school, lacks motivation, or would benefit from one-on-one guidance, I can help.

Call or e-mail to set up a meeting to discuss an individualized tutoring plan for you or your child.

e-mail:  loveomelissa@gmail.com

cell:  <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = U1 /> 858-357-5736 

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