
저 해석이 잘 안되서 그러는데 도와주세요...

질문 도와주세요,, 4 2033

I want to inform you that TNT will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don't like it, you only have to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.
I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to TNT Service the first month of rent - US$ 1.000  - so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract.
Like I said, I will pay for a 2 days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away. I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
1 - To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal .
2 - I go to the TNT Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
3 - TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
4 - TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.
5 - At this point you will have to go to a WesternUnion Agent Location and make a money transfer deposit on the TNT agent name assigned with this transaction for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is for the first month of rent.
6 - After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to TNT  (MTCN #, sender's name and address)
7 - TNT will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .
8 - After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 2 days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not, if everything is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me.
If you don't like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense.
I will pay TNT Service for the shipping and you will pay WesternUnion for the Money Transfer fees.
Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the TNT delivery.
Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------저 집을 계약하려고 하는데 이분이 여기 안계셔서 이런방법으로 해야된다고 하네요 그런데 대충 이해는 가는데 정확히 잘 모르겠어서요..영어 잘하시는분들 해석좀 해주세요..

그리고 이거 이렇게 계약해도 괜찮을까요?혹시나 해서 위험할까봐요,,

경험있으신분들 조언좀 부탁드릴게요..

글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
감사해요. 2008.09.18  
저는 집이 급해서 조급한 마음에 할려고 하다가 혹시나해서 이렇게 올렸는데 도움주셔서 감사합니다. 거의 할 생각이었는데 다행히도 미리 글보고 중지 해써요^^감사합니다.
Stop!! 2008.09.17  
전에 분이 뒷글올렸드시 이건 100% 사기입니다.  혹시 Craiglist 에서 접촉되지 않았나요?
이것이 바로 Nigerian Scam 이라는겁니다.  절데로 개인 정보 주지말고 돈 미리 지불하지 마세요.  더 자세한정보를 원하시면 저한테 연락주세요.  저는 미국 FBI 에근무하는 친구한테 받은정보라 확실합니다.  858-245-9998 벤자민
사기 2008.09.17  
100% 사기입니다. 집계약은 주인과 직접만나서 집검사와 서류검사를 꼼꼼히 한후에 하십시요.
???? 2008.09.16  
좀 이상합니다 일단은 본인 정보가 유출 되는 일은 절대 하지 마세요
아무리조건이 좋아도 직접 계약하는 사람과 만나서 결판은 지으시고
힘들다 하면 전화 번호 라도 받아서 통화 한다고 하세요...
어디서  알아보신지 모르지만 크리이그스리스트라면 100% 사기 메일 입니다