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LAX에서 샌디에고 아무곳이나 내려주는 공항버스 없나요?

샌디에고에서 LAX가는 공항버스도여~~~


예전에 다운타운에 공항버스가 있다고 들었는데 아무리 찾아봐도 없어서요.

아시는 분~~~

글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
인포 2009.11.17  
San Diego is a couple of hours south of LA. When you land there, there is a $3 bus that can take you downtown to the Amtrak terminal. It is a 45 minute ride. Can't beat that price in LA. Then get an Amtrak ticket to San Diego. It is around $30, and the ride is great, going down the coast and comfortable.

Once you get to San Diego, Amtrak is in the heart of downtown. There is a trolley system than is hard to beat. Trolleys are clean, reliable and safe, and during the day come about every 15 minutes and can take you most anywhere around San Diego. Check the MTS web site that I will reference below.

Here is the answer from the San Diego Airport.

The MTS (Metro Transit System) has a bus, Route 992, that runs every 15 or so minutes. Downtown is actually a few minutes away, like a mile.

The system is reliable, so there is no need to check in advance. Just ask when you get here, walk outside and the stop is right there. If you are like me, I want to know everything, so go to www.sdcommute.com to have a person trip plan in about a minute.
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