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Writing Strategy - Middle School

JtoU [예우] 0 5525

JtoU Writing Strategy <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Middle School /On-Line Lesson


Writing 자신이 없거나 요령이 없어서 어떻게 시작해야 모르는 학생, 보다 체계적인 Writing Strategy 갖고자 하는 학생들을 위하여 고안된 교재 On-Line 레슨을 소개합니다.  레슨은 이곳에서 직접 1시간 Off-Line Meeting으로 시작하며, 2 째부터는 아래의 ‘weekly schedule’ 대로 e-mail 통한 레슨이 시작됩니다.  필요한 경우, 달에 , Off-Line Meeting 통해 보다 detail 부분을 상담할 있습니다.  그리고 아래, 일주일 on-line lesson 예를 예시해 놓았습니다.  보다 자세한 정보를 원하시는 경우에는 아래로 연락바랍니다.


*상담: 858-733-1258, jtou.creation@gmail.com, www.jtoucreation.com (저자에 관한 정보) - 해당 교재는 on line (xlibris.com 또는 amazon.com) 으로 구입 가능합니다.


Weekly Schedule


*Thu: You’ll receive lesson contents from me. Then, start to work!
*Thu ~ Sun: Send your answers (writing) to me via e-mail.
*Mon: You shall receive my comments on your writing, so study on it. 
*Mon ~ Wed: Send your correction and/or further work assigned based upon the comments. 


Lesson Contents  (An Example)


1. Get workbook, JtoU Writing Club: Writing Strategy and Word Pool Activity, open page 9, and read it.  While reading, please underline the parts - words, phrases, or sentences - that made you nod because you'd pondered that the messages in them are very important or impressive.  For example, I would underline the part '...researching and reading resources in relation to the topic in advance in order to be ready to write'.  After you're done, please copy the underlined parts when you send me an e-mail.


2. Open page 10 and read #1~4 of [Good Writing Check List].  While keeping those in your mind, please create a story - any genre: a fictitious story or an essay - that is composed of three ~ five paragraphs.  (Please refer to page 19 ~26, [How to Create a Story] worksheet to plan or design your story.  You’ll realize that this ‘how-to-worksheet’ is quite helpful to begin and finish your creation.) 


*Please choose one topic from the list on page 19.  The list is under #1 on that page.


3. Once you finish creating a story, please discuss how much your story fulfills four (#1 ~ 4) good writing check lists that you've read.  Make your written discussion composed of at least four paragraphs, one paragraph for each check point.


*Again, you have four days (Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sun) to work on this big project. Try your Best! Good Luck! 


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