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샌디에고 에스디사람

2015년, 샌디에고 풍물학교 졸업식 "동영상"

졸업식 동영상 0 2886

지난 5/18(월) 풍물학교 졸업식행사에 직접 참석하시여 '귀한말씀&선물' 전해주신 타운 어르신님&단체장님들께 깊이 감사드립니다.
감사합니다. 고맙습니다.

The San Diego Pungmul Institute is composed of elementary, middle, and high school students from various schools in San Diego. For Korean-American youth, and others interested in learning about Korean culture, the institute not only teaches traditional Korean music and dance, but also promotes volunteerism and encourages positive relationships with local communities in order to prepare the next generation of leaders in society.

As a nonprofit, we no longer work for the sole benefit of our members; rather, we also have a public duty as well. As such, we need to work together to make sure we achieve all that our mission statement entails. We appreciate your continued support and thank you for your monetary donations, as well as gifts of time and talent.
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