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San Diego Shotgun SPorts

Peter 0 1456

너무 슬프네요...   흑..흑...흑...

우선슬프더라도 기도해야쥐...........  어떻게 빨리 총쏘게 해주삼...

샌디에고 샷건 사격장이 2008년도 계획을 접었습니다. 어안이 벙벙....

이제는 엘카혼이나 엘에이 지역으로 원정가야 할듯합니다. 원문을 옮겨봤습니다.

Friday, October 17 - A preliminary environmental report commissioned by MCAS on the lead shot fall outside our lease area is expected on October 20th. Based on the results of that preliminary report they will begin preparations of a more detailed final report. As a consequence of the preliminary report and the process the Marines must follow before any action can be taken, all shooting activities at SDSSA are suspended for the remainder of 2008. Although there are environmental concerns to deal with, we are still working on getting a lease signed by the end of the year. SDSSA will be submitting a Best Management Practice for lead to the Marines as a required step in a lease extension. Congressman Duncan Hunter has been fully apprised of the situation and is working on our behalf to help SDSSA through this process.

Thank you.
Robert Keefe , President
SAN DIEGO Shotgun Sports Association

[이 게시물은 sdsaram님에 의해 2009-02-27 14:23:10 SD Shooting Club(으)로 부터 복사됨] [이 게시물은 sdsaram님에 의해 2009-02-27 14:23:54 test(으)로 부터 이동됨]
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