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생활, 취미, 모임 정보

영어 선생님 입니다(English Language )

Rita 0 3208
성실하고 영어 공부에 도움이 되는 선생님 입니다
뉴욕에서 생활 하시다가 UCSD에서 졸업 하신 분입니다
경력도 많으시고 한국인 학생도 많이 가르쳐보신 분이니까
배우시면 후회 없으실 겁니다^^
아래에 소개글이랑 경력 있으니까 참고 하세요~

Looking for a few good students who want to improve their 
English language skills.
I am an award winning teacher, 
voted Teacher of the Year at Berlitz Language School.
15 years teaching experience.
Customized classes designed to make learning effective and fun.
Specializing in Korean accent reduction and American culture.
$30 an hour   3 hour class special $75.
By appointment.
Please call 619-993-9053 or email me at
to schedule your classes.
Thank you for your interest.

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