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샌디에고 에스디사람

생활, 취미, 모임 정보

SD 축구협회장배 초청대회 구장 (9/17/06)

Doyle Recreation Center

8175 Regents Road
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 581-7170


From Interstate 5 North, take the Nobel Drive exit and proceed east. At Regents Road turn right. The center is on the left.

From Interstate 5 South, take the La Jolla Village Drive exit and turn left. Proceed to Regents Road and turn right. The center is on the left.




[이 게시물은 sdsaram님에 의해 2009-02-27 14:18:21 미주한인 샌디에고 축구협회(으)로 부터 복사됨] [이 게시물은 sdsaram님에 의해 2009-02-27 14:19:17 test(으)로 부터 이동됨]
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